Megara Resins holds a flexible and compact scheme with high level of independency in decision making with the involvement of managers in all key functions of business activity. We are encouraged by our efficient flow of information due to the absence of multiple hierarchical levels.
We work towards the elimination of “gaps” between critical operations inlcuding research-production-marketing-sales-logistics. In this way, we strategcally ensure fast responding in customers’ requests. Our job is not to find the right customers for our products but the right products for our customers. Key to achieving our goals is to be more effective in creating, delivering and communicating superior value to our customers.
A key goal of relationship marketing (RM) activities is to develop deep, enduring relationships with all people or organizations. RM has the aim of building mutually satisfying long-term relationships with key parties –customers, suppliers, distributors, and other marketing partners in order to earn and retain a sustaibable growth platform. RM builds strong economic, technical and social ties among partners.
We develop sustainable growth platforms by generating innovation based on customer needs and new technologies, in combination with the utilization of outstanding relationship marketing.
Comprising a highly competenet R&D, leading in application technology, we hold a well balanced portfolio with critical mass based on innovation, global positioning and adequate business models for profitable growth, emphasizing on cost leadership along the value chain.
For more than five decades, we invest in our capabilities pioneering in the coatings industry.
At a Glance
Committed to the pillars of innovation and new technologies for the coatings industry.
We focus on building an inspiring and challenging environment.
Financial Report
We aim gaining a substantial premium on our cost of capital investing in innovation, as it will be the enabler for continued growth.